Still waiting on the professional pics to come in but here are a few family shots for now!It was the best day of my life so far! I can't believe it has been 3 weeks already since this day. :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Big Day!
Posted by Caitlin at 9:10 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
30 Days of Me- Day 6
My favorite superhero and why...umm, yeah I really don't like superheros in the traditional sense.
I love the everyday superheros that you can find fighting on the frontlines in our military, protecting the streets from crime, and keeping people and property safe from fires and emergencies.
I am marrying a career firefighter in less than 2 weeks and I cannot be more happy about it. I am so proud of the work he does day in and day out.
Posted by Caitlin at 12:11 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
30 Days of Me- Day 5
A picture of a place you have been... it's been quite awhile but I loved every moment of it.
Posted by Caitlin at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
30 Days of Me- Day 4
A Habit You Wish You Didn't Have...
I have such a bad habit of letting dirty dishes pile up in the sink for so long. It will get to the point where my fiance is tired of asking me to deal with them so he will just do it himself. I don't know why I have such an issue with getting them done especially since we have a dishwasher. Lol.
Posted by Caitlin at 8:24 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 2
Day 2- The Meaning Behind my Blog Name
Hmmmm... I guess it started in high school when I made a collage that I titled "The Chaos of High School", then I named my LiveJournal account "The Chaos of LIFE" and for some reason when I started my blog I kept with that theme. I figured my life was still chaos (in a good way) and I liked creating things more then I ever had before. It was initially named "Creative Chaos" but sadly I found out that the name was already taken by another well-known blogger. I changed it to Chaotic Creation to avoid confusion but I still feel like a copycat to this day...would it be too late to change it now? Lol.
Posted by Caitlin at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
30 Days of Me-Day 1
So since I have been so bad at keeping up with blogging lately I have decided that participating in the ever so popular "30 Days of Me" would be a good way to get my blogging juices flowing.
Day One: Post a recent pic of yourself and share 15 facts about yourself.
Taken at my bridal shower early in August.
2. I am looking into going back to school for graduate classes.
3. My fiance is a firefighter for the city of Portsmouth, VA and absolutely loves his career.
4. We have 3 cats all under the age of 1: Paisley Jane, Whineybaby, and Meanieboy. They all desperately need to be spayed/neutered...hopefully next week.
5. There is a hurricane that may hit our coastline tomm night; we'll see. Bad weather makes me so nervous. I get all imaginative about the possible scenarios that could occur b/c of it.
6. I am addicted to vintage items and craft supplies.
7. Frontierville on Facebook is my new procrastination tool.
8. I love having pen pals and participating in swaps.
9. My wedding is in 45 days!
10. Etsy is my weakness.
11. I have recently started attending a church here somewhat regularly. It's Wave Church in VA Beach and I guess it's a popular mega-church associated with Hillsong...the pastor has bodyguards.
12. I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the year yesterday and it was so yummy.
13. I am looking forward to married life with my hunny.
14. I am also looking forward to our honeymoon in Oct. We are going down to Orlando and have a date set up to visit Discovery Cove to swim with the dolphins....eeeeppp! So excited. :)
15. My favorite food is bread. lol.
Post #2 tomm!
Posted by Caitlin at 8:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
New Kitty Babies!!!
2 months ago Ryan decided that we were going to be parents to 2 new fur babies! They were found outside his co-worker's beach house and his wife bottlefed them back to health.
This one is Whineybaby! :)
This one is Meanieboy! :)
And here are the 2 rascals together.
Paisley struggled with them at first but now you'd never know that they were ever not together. Here's a new pic of Miss Paisley.
Posted by Caitlin at 11:06 AM 6 comments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Happy Mail!
Hey hey! Just felt like I had to share some awesome gifties I received recently. :)
Numero uno: I participated in a Craft Swap organized by Katie of Skunkboy Creatures. My partner was the awesome Jamie House of House of My Life Imagined. She sent me the coolest felted purse, some cute handmade tags, a pretty golden headband, crocheted flower and yummy candies. I love it all!
And of course, Paisley couldn't help getting :)
Numero dos: My January Happy Mail partner was the lovely Mandy of Miss Indie. She has the best knitted and crocheted wares. :) Here's a lookie at the great package she sent.
Anyone spy that gorgeous American Eagle scarf in there?! :)
Thanks a bunch ladies! :)
Posted by Caitlin at 7:23 PM 10 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hey hey! 2 weeks ago I got a new little kitten and named her Paisley. She seems to be about 8 weeks old or so. I went and picked her up the morning before I picked Ryan up from the airport. He fell in love with her instantly. Lol.
Posted by Caitlin at 11:53 AM 31 comments